G.L.A.M., Inc. was formed in 1961, in Los Angeles, California. At that time Dr. Albert McNeil, a prominent teacher, and choral director attended a NANM, Inc. convention and was so impressed with what he witnessed he decided to start a chapter in Los Angeles. The task of persuading other prominent African American musicians in the city to see the cultural necessity of this kind of organization was not difficult. When singer Georgia Laster was killed in an automobile accident in 1961, the new branch was named in her honor with Florence Brantley as the first president.

Our Mission
Art and music programs within the public school sector have been drastically reduced over the past 30 years. As a result, today, very few schools have programs that provide opportunities for students to receive instruction in music, dance, drama, and the visual arts.
As a result, G.L.A.M., Inc. works to provide financial support and opportunities for young musicians between the ages of 10 and 18 to perform. This helps to support both NANM and G.L.A.M., Inc.'s collective mission and purpose in the following ways:
Provide instrumental and choral music classes for students between
the ages of 10 and 18 who do not have those opportunities in their local schools. -
Provide scholarships for talented high school students between the ages of 13 and 19 years of age.
Assist families in purchasing musical instruments.
Sponsor quality concerts that showcase outstanding talented members and students.
Opportunities to perform and participate in professional development--master classes, and workshops, allow adults, youths, and juniors associated with the branch to experience continual growth in music. In this way, G.L.A.M., Inc. helps to support its mission in tandem with NANM's purpose which is to promote, preserve, and support all genres of music created or performed by African Americans.